Dusted Reviews
Artist: Acid Mothers Temple & The Pink Ladies Blues Album: Featuring the Sun Love and the Heavy Metal Thunder Label: Fractal Review date: Sep. 10, 2006 |
“We are an underground punk blues band inside your ears,” reads the broken-English mission statement for this disc’s fourth track, “Acid Mothers Rock ’N’ Roll.” “We are the Pink Ladies Blues, and we dedicate our music by pity for all drunkarks, shame-faced, debauched, disagreeables and forgers in all sort.”
Acid Mothers Temple & The Pink Ladies Blues are the most recent in a dizzying line of AMT-related groups, noteworthy, however, for being the first band to bear the AMT moniker that does not feature head Mother Kawabata Makoto.
While the AMT universe reaches far and wide – both musically and geographically – it has always centered around Makoto’s guitar. Here, Makoto is a no show, leaving the jamming to fellow “family” members Mai Mai, Magic Aum Gigi and Tsuchy.
The Makoto-fronted AMT, while oft amazing, is cursed by the sheer volume of music they release. It’s difficult to cut classic albums when you are releasing a dozen of them each year. AMT & The Pink Ladies Blues, then is both a refreshing change of pace and proof positive that the collective’s creative well runs deeper than frequently shown.
On display here is a stripped down, raw, basement jam version of AMT. The power trio lineup (a guitar/drums duo on a couple of tracks) is leaner and meaner than the jacked-up quintet Makoto often hits the studio with. “Sandoza Death Blues” and the aforementioned “Acid Mothers Rock ’N’ Roll” find Gigi and company kicking out the jams with massive, razor sharp riffs and thunderous drums. The primal pounce continues on the delightfully titled “Freaks Your Mind & Your LSD Piss Will Follow.” Yet, within the same tracks the band slide into spacey, slow motion grooves that sound like a codeine-conked bar band rocking woozily on at some deserted roadside saloon.
By the time the grand comedown closer “La-Bas” slides off into the darkness the listener has been well saturated by the sun love and heavy metal thunder.
By Ethan Covey