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Dusted's Destined 2005

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Dusted brings you profiles of 10 artists to watch in 2005. Today's installment: Afrirampo

Dusted's Destined 2005

Last year we started our year-end round-up by debuting a series called 'Dusted's Destined,' in which we ran 10 features about new and/or unknown artists from whom we expected some great things (last year's series is still available here). To kick off the year 2005, Dusted Magazine is pleased to bring you our second round of Dusted's Destined: A look at 10 artists to watch during 2005 and beyond. We'll publish one profile each weekday for the next two weeks. This year we are adding the exciting bonus of posting/hosting mp3s from each of these artists. Enjoy!

Dusted's Destined 2005:

Monday, January 17: Skeletons
Tuesday, January 18: The Wet Ink Collective
Wednesday, January 19: M.I.A.
Thursday, January 20: The Hotel Alexis
Friday, January 21: Marianthi Papalexandri-Alexandri

Monday, January 24: Feathers
Tuesday, January 25: Hot Chip
Wednesday, January 26: Sean Booth
Thursday, January 27: Magik Markers
Friday, January 28: Afrirampo

For more information about any of these artists, feel free to e-mail us at dusted@dustedmagazine.com. Dusted will resume its normal feature schedule on Tuesday, February 1.

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